7th International Conference on
Applied Research in Education
27 – 29 June 2025 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Enrich your knowledge at the leading research and education conference 2025

What to Expect at Education Conference 2025 – ARECONF

This is a global platform unlike any other. ARECONF 2025 presents a world-class experience to all its attendees as well as presenters. This education conference will delve into the latest developments and practices in the world of applied research. Previously, held as an e-learning conference, this event will be held on-site this year. Of course, we still continue to maintain strict hygienic measures to keep all our participants and staff safe, as well as offer a virtual attendance option.

Our past education conferences have seen participants and presenters from several countries: Australia, the United States, Canada, Croatia, Malaysia, Iran, South Africa, China, Albania, and many more. We hope to see even more international attendees as we continue to build this conference to be a highly informative and useful event.

Join this conference to observe, learn, and interact with a variety of accomplished academics, scholars, and leaders about all the fascinating discoveries in this field. Additionally, discuss and debate the common problems and challenges seen here, as well as come up with practical solutions. Finally, you can speak about your research or get published in distinguished academic journals.

Topics Featured at Education Conferences 2025

education conference

Explore a diverse selection of themes and topics. We are looking for submissions related to the mentioned topics and more:
Education, e-Learning, English and Foreign Language Teaching (ELT/FLT), Learning and Teaching.

This conference is a prestigious event, organized to provide an international platform for academicians, researchers, managers, industrial participants, and students to share their research findings with global experts. All full paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance to the conference themes and topics.

Speaking Possibilities at ARECONF 2025

Want to present your research and findings but need the right platform? Look no further.
Become a speaker at this prestigious international conference on education and present your work to a varied and international audience as well as academic experts and peers. You may choose to present orally or virtually, or even present a poster.

What You Gain From Speaking at Education Conference

You will enjoy numerous benefits from speaking at this premier event:

  • Introduce your findings to a host of academics, researchers, scholars, and other major stakeholders, thereby gaining authority and recognition in your field. 
  • Increase the possibilities of collaborations and partnerships with fellow researchers. 
  • Identify and discuss the main concerns in this field, as well as put together effective solutions for them. 
  • Encourage and inspire others to start or present their research! 

education conference 2025

The program of this event boasts a high quality of structure and material due to the standards maintained by the scientific committee. It is made up of several formidable members who work hard to uphold this benchmark.

All entries that are received are scrutinized according to their caliber, originality, and relevancy to the subject. Moreover, they also go through a double-blind peer review to ensure impartiality and integrity of the process.
Learn how to improve the quality of your work, increase your field of research, or even work under global academic experts and scholars.

Get Published at ARECONF 2025

Don’t miss the chance to get featured in esteemed academic journals at this educational academic international education conferences 2025. Boost your academic career, get involved in exclusive academic and research communities, inspire others to get published and discover good networks and grant opportunities.

Plagiarism and Ethics policies

The 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Education follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All articles submitted to the top education conferences 2025 first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/

Publication Opportunity

All accepted and registered abstracts will be published in the global education conference proceeding All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN Number. in soft form. All full papers sent for conferences in education proceedings will be accepted through a double blind review process and will be published electronically in proceedings with a DOI number.

education conference

Make sure to add ARECONF to your education conferences calendar

Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 7 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline
06 June 2025

Registration Deadline
17 June 2025

Conference Dates
27 – 29 June 2025

What You Gain from This Education Conference

  • Form good connections and links: Since this event will be attended by a myriad of experts, researchers, and scholars, it is ideal for establishing networks and partnerships. You may also engage in thought-provoking discussions and debates about the future of education and research, the newest trends and developments seen, as well as the pressing concerns seen here, and how to solve them.
  • Get educated: Witness skilled presenters talk about the latest developments and practices in their fields. Get inspired to start your own research and implement these new methods and practices.
  • Showcase your research: Enjoy an international platform where you can show off your work. Furthermore, interact and converse with global educators and experts about your findings, and also enhance your public speaking skills.

education conference 2025

education conference 2025

  • Visit a new place: Enjoy the double benefits from this event. You can enrich your mind while discovering and exploring a new city.
  • Boost your resume: Impress potential employers or grant providers by attending or presenting at international education conferences in 2025.
  • Compete for awards: Receive awards in the categories of the best student or best presenter at the end of the event.
  • Become a published researcher: Getting published in academic journals can help you advance your academic career, open up new collaborative opportunities, get you into extensive academic groups, and much more.

Past Speakers


Dr. Alicia Greenbank

Koichiro Kitamura

Assoc. Prof. Koichiro Kitamura

education conference

Dr. Miguel Ferrando-Rocher

education conference

Prof. Anna Hakobjanyan

Saadet Ider

Dr. Saadet Ider

Emily Hicks

Asst. Prof. Emily Hicks

Deniz Gyger Gaspoz

Dr. Deniz Gyger Gaspoz

Birute Zygaitiene

Dr. Birute Zygaitiene

education conference

Ph.D. Beth Bassima Bakkar

Prof. Frederic Fovet

Prof. Frederic Fovet

education conference

Prof. Dr. Julia Torres

education conference

Dr. George Cremona

An international conference on education for the world's top academics

Who should attend

Our event is designed for members of the academia and non-profit, public, and private sector members who are interested in the latest research and academic developments in the field of Education, Teaching and Learning.

Be the best presenter

Be the Best Presenter and Best Student in an International Conference.Get rewards to your commitment, knowledge and be a partner to revolutionize the research by building the arch of knowledge

Discover the Iconic City of Amsterdam

The location of this year’s international conference on education is the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Enjoy beauty, serenity, and vibrant scenes while enriching your mind at one of the most prominent international educational conferences 2025. We encourage our participants to explore the breathtaking scenery, the colorful nightlife, the delicious local cuisine, the rich art culture, the artistic and historical architecture, and much more!


Don’t miss out on the canal cruises that allow you to extensively explore the city and appreciate the picturesque views. Join our one-day free guided tour and enjoy the city that blends the new and the old.

From the sea, to hills, to rivers, to vineyards — each and every spot is gorgeous and a true paradise for nature lovers! Join our free one-day guided tour to discover this historic city.

Registration for ARECONF 2025

Register for this education conference as a participant or speaker. You may even choose to present or attend virtually if you prefer.

Scholars Speak: Testimonials on Our Conference